Business speak translation

I too refuse to believe in the results produced by mathematics.

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I think arguably there is some bias to numbers that are either self reported or reported due to transitioning jobs in the immediate past.

We value team players = we expect you to work long hours due to intentional understaffing and poor time management


Arguably, of course. But they had asa’s working on that so I expect that would be identified or minimized.

Whether.or not my expectations match reality, who knows but I feel like Claude had addressed that at some point in the past.

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This was my experience as well. When I last looked I asked for a salary based on the surveys and I was told that I am being unreasonable to the tune of 15k. I soon was able to negotiate an offer for 5k more than I was initially seeking.

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I did an interview once where they were really selling me on this, and they noted that they had a REALLY fun team retreat over the last weekend. Yes, the expectation was for me to attend team events on weekends. Ummmmm, that’s not a perk. I don’t care if it’s in Vail. No.


Just got off a call where this had to be said a couple times…

Ah, I remember that feeling. The point part way through the interview when you realize there is no way you are interested in that position. You are then free to use the above quotes to the right (instead of the left) of the equals sign.


Let’s solve this problem for the company = someone upstairs made a decision and you need to deal with it

this thread triggers me

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I interviewed with a company that touted their after-work staff “gatherings” at a local bar.
They made it clear that everyone was expected to be there until long after work hours. :frowning:

Would you mind putting that in an email = I need a paper trail so I can prove this wasn’t my fault when it fails horribly


our employees are like family = we will abuse you and take pleasure in stepping over you to get ahead

We value work life balance = life is a balancing item after whatever work is required

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I hate it if it feels more or less mandatory. My first job out of college had lots of actuarial folks taking exams, and it was tradition for everyone to go to the bar when results were released. Passers paid the tab. Good times.


I once interviewed for a place that told me “Yea, we work pretty hard, but once a year we go on a company ski retreat.”
Why not have a life and take 2 days pto to go skiing with your friends?

that’s not what a team player would say


“We’re not sure you’re a team player.” = as they canceled a year’s worth of consulting appointments, the day after I offhandedly commented that something they were doing didn’t seem exactly legal.

You worked for the Trump Administration??

“Sorry, I was on mute” - I am technologically deficient and still don’t know how to use video conferencing software correctly after 3.5 years of using it every single day.