Bridge: 2024 MSC discussion

Between S9 and HT, I prefer the S9. We need 5 tricks, either 3 clubs and 2 diamonds (my hope) or 2 spades, 2 diamonds, and an entry to partner’s hand (trick 5). Two heart leads through dummy might get us three heart tricks. There’s a chance that we can switch to hearts in time if I start with clubs or spades. Starting with hearts seems less flexible.

H: Spade 9


PROBLEM B: 4 Notrump
PROBLEM C: 4 Diamonds
PROBLEM E: 3 Spades
PROBLEM F: 3 Diamonds
PROBLEM G: 4 Clubs
PROBLEM H: Spade 9

I was convinced by the consensus on some of these, but I found the arguments for 3D on F and S9 on G quite unconvincing.

On F, a 3D bid asks partner to preempt the auction with 4H. This wouldn’t have been so bd last round as then it would have shown some extras. I’m not sure the 5 level is safe over 4H this time. 3S is unambiguously a slam try (and I will be happy to pass 4H after it). It is also directly below the suit where I have no control.

H If partner has five good enough spades and an entry, he’d’ve bid 1S over 1H. He is quite likely to be 5=4=2=2 with most of his points in hearts. And if his spades are Qxxxx, I hardly want to guess them for declarer. The C and D bidder is strong and the H bidder is weak. This is one of those auctions where leading dummy’s suit often works out well.

                  A           B        C        D        E        F        G        H        Total
procrastinator    Dbl     100 4D   100 4D   100 C1 (D60  4D   90  4H   0   4C   100 H10  60  610  
oirg              Dbl     100 6N   0   3H   40  A (P)100 3S   100 3D   100 4C   100 S9   60  600  
SW                P       40  4H   0   P    0   C2 (D90  3S   100 6H   70  4C   100 S9   60  460  
Klaymen           P       40  4N   90  4D   100 A (P)100 3S   100 4H   0   P    40  H10  60  530  
ST                Dbl     100 4N   90  4D   100 C1 (D60  3S   100 4N   70  P    40  H10  60  620  
BTDT              Dbl     100 4D   100 4D   100 A (P)100 3D   50  3D   100 P    40  C7   100 690  
NN                Dbl     100 4N   90  4D   100 C1 (D60  3D   50  3D   100 4C   100 S9   60  660  
veni vidi vici    P       40  4D   100 4H   70  A (P)100 4C   80  3S   0   Dbl  80  H10  60  530  
4Sigma            Dbl     100 4N   90  4D   100 C2 (D90  3S   100 3D   100 3N   70  S9   60  710  
Submitted         Dbl     100 4N   90  4D   100 A (P)100 3S   100 3D   100 4C   100 S9   60  750  

                  Dbl     100 4D   100 4D   100 A (P)100 3S   100 3D   100 4C   100 C7   100   
                  P       40  4N   90  4H   70  C2 (D90  4D   90  4N   70  Dbl  80  C2   100      
                              4H   0   3H   40  C1 (D60  4C   80  6H   70  3N   70  H5   70       
                              6N   0   P    0            3D   50  4H   0   P    40  S9   60       
                                                                  3S   0            H10  60       

Fortunately our consensus score was considerably better any individual, tying for 12-19 on the honor roll. The honor roll required 710, 4Sigma’s score, which would have tied for 51-57.

My vote for P on C was surely a typo (in my original vote post, which got transcribed into the spreadsheet. I probably intended 3D, but possibly 4H or even conceivably 3H. Don’t remember. It wouldn’t have been for 4D.

I am surprised 3NT did not do better on G, and that it got only 5 panelist votes (and 9% of solvers).

The problem with 3N on G is that it may garner a 5D call from partner, which double is much less likely to do. (The problem with double is that partner might pass, which seems like a smaller challenge in that it might be survivable.)

3S getting a 0 on F was really annoying. I had been convinced to change some of my other votes, (I doubled on A and bid 4D on C and 3S on E), but 3S seems very logical on F, and the winning choice of 3D seems crazy (to me); I will be interested to see the reasons when the magazine comes out.

A I think I should pass. What are some reasonable constructions for partner’s hand? Axxxxxx AKQJ xx --? What else? This is matchpoints, so partner should be more prone to putting the opponents to an opening lead guess than at IMPs.
B Pass. First instinct was Double. If it comes back to me P-1S-P, I will bid 1N. The main concern is when opener freely repeats his diamonds and then partner bids 2S. But the kicker is that their minor outranks mine, their major outranks mine, and it’s both vul at matchpoints. Let’s just hope they are in the wrong suit and belong in spades.
C 2H. Honor-x is a raise in a pinch, and I’m a little too good for 2S. We can get to NT later if it’s right.
D 3C. Vul or at matchpoints I think I’d blast 4S. Here I will try to stay low when we have lots of D losers.
E Pass. This is a classic. Balancing them into spades is a bad idea. Not close.
F 3S I guess, but 6H is a close second. I’m way too strong to just jump to 4H. So I can cue first. Or I could blast 6H (5H will be misinterpreted) to protect my AQ combos from the lead.
G 3D. 2S and 4C also have appeal, but 5C seems a more likely game than 3N, and a max with no D wastage is the key.
H HQ. He’s unlikely to be trying to run hearts when I have three honors, so this should get me on a path to the maximum set.

A) Pass. Partner has a void, probably in clubs, so my hand has not improved.
B) 1NT. I don’t need a stopper when I balance 1NT. Only a point strong, and better than 1H, I think.
C) 2H. All bids are flawed. At least this cuebid shows a good hand, unlike all the other plausible choices.
D) Pass. 4-4-4-1 hands are overrated, and the singleton in partner’s suit does not improve our prospects.
E) Pass. I suspect the opps have a spade fit. I’d rather pass them out in 1m than 1M, but this seems more likely than 2D to lead to a plus score.
F) 3NT. 4H is an extremely close second choice.
G) 2NT. This is a good hand, albeit with a poor diamond stopper, which is one of East’s suits.
H) HQ. 100% safe, SJ is a close second choice. Deception could be useful, but I don’t think it would matter. There is a decent case for leading a diamond (probably the J), if you want to go for the big bucks, but I’ll settle for +100.

A) Pass
B) 1NT
C) 2S
D) Pass
E) Pass
F) 4H
G) 3N
H) Heart Queen

A. P. Partner suggesting a 6S contract. Nothing about our hand is close to extraordinary enough to bid
B. 1N. Seems obvious. Perhaps an extra HCP, but poor intermediates and no sure diamond stopper
C. P. Not even remotely tempted to cue bid with only Jx in spades. 1NT is the only bid I would consider
D. 3S, but could easily go along with either VVV’s 3C or NN’s pass (preferring P between those two)
E. 1N. Thought this one was obvious, but see I’m alone so far
F. 4H. In retrospect there is a lot of merit to NN’s 3NT. And yes, there could be a slam, but it’s pretty darn remote
G. 2N. Got to try for the vul game
H. DJ. How can I be in the minority on this? Surely declarer thinks he has a reasonable chance of 13 tricks just based on his hands, so his diamonds are stiff A. This should beat him at least 2, and a lot if we can run diamonds.

                       A     B     C            D     E     F       G         H
SW                     P    1N     P            3S    1N    4H      2N        DJ
BTDT                   P    1N    2S            P     P    4H      3N        HQ
NN                     P    1N    2H            P     P    3N      2N        HQ
veni vidi vici         P     P    2H            3C     P    3S      3D        HQ

Leading                P    1N                       P                      HQ

I really don’t want to submit the HQ on H. To me it is clearly not the right lead, unless declare has lost his mind. (OTOH, there is some evidence declare has lost his mind, since at rubber bridge there is trivial difference between 7NT and 7H or 7C making, even if he would get honors for 7NT. Whatever declarer might be thinking, I like the diamond lead.)

February guesses:

A. Pass
B. 1N
C. 2C
D. 3C
E. 1N
F. 3N
G. 2S
H. Heart queen

From NN by e-mail

                       A     B     C            D     E     F       G         H
oirg                   P    1N    2C            3C    1N    3N      2S        HQ
SW                     P    1N     P            3S    1N    4H      2N        DJ
BTDT                   P    1N    2S            P     P    4H      3N        HQ
NN                     P    1N    2H            P     P    3N      2N        DJ
veni vidi vici         P     P    2H            3C     P    3S      3D        HQ

Leading                P    1N                       P                      HQ

A. Pass, not close to moving.
B. 1 heart. Considered 1NT.
C. 2 spades. Temped by 2C, but too likely to end in a 42 fit (assume 2C is non-forcing).
D. Pass.
E. 2 diamonds.
F. 4 hearts. Seems obvious, not sure what I am missing.
G. 2 hearts. Perhaps too much, but 3NT makes opposite the club ace and a heart ace underlead, so taking an aggresive call.
H. Diamond jack. Assume RHO has ten hearts to the AK and three bare aces. Diamond 6 might get the queen from partner, so will try the jack. Even if RHO has lost his mind and this gives up a trick, still have the contract set assuming the diamond ace is on my right.

I see you haven’t submitted yet.

I’ll change my vote on F to 4H and on H to DJ

                       A     B     C            D     E     F       G         H
procrastinator         P    1H    2S            P    2D    4H      2H        DJ
oirg                   P    1N    2C            3C    1N    3N      2S        HQ
SW                     P    1N     P            3S    1N    4H      2N        DJ
BTDT                   P    1N    2S            P     P    4H      3N        HQ
NN                     P    1N    2H            P     P    3N      2N        DJ
veni vidi vici         P     P    2H            3C     P    4H      3D        DJ

Submitted              P    1N    2H            P     P    4H      2N        DJ

Nothing had 3 votes on C or G. Choosing 2N, the only choice with 2 votes, on G shouldn’t be too controversial. Since I was not in favor of either of the two 2-vote choices in C, it can’t shouldn’t be too controversial that I broke that tie in favor of the one I like better, which is 2H, since partner did overcall in the suit, and we might have a game on power.

Good think VVV reminded me I needed to get the submission in, or I might have forgotten it.

                  A           B        C        D        E        F        G        H        Total
procrastinator    P       100 1H   90  2S   80  P    100 2D   90  4H   100 2H   100 DJ   100 760  
oirg              P       100 1N   100 2C   100 3C   60  1N   100 3N   80  2S   0   HQ   50  590  
SW                P       100 1N   100 P    20  3S   0   1N   100 4H   100 2N   0   DJ   100 520  
BTDT              P       100 1N   100 2S   80  P    100 P    80  4H   100 3N   60  HQ   50  670  
NN                P       100 1N   100 2H   100 P    100 P    80  3N   80  2N   0   DJ   100 660  
veni vidi vici    P       100 P    50  2H   100 3C   60  P    80  4H   100 3D   90  DJ   100 680  
Submitted         P       100 1N   100 2H   100 P    100 P    80  4H   100 2N   0   DJ   100 680  

                  P       100 1N   100 2H   100 P    100 1N   100 4H   100 2H   100 DJ   100   
                              1H   90  2C   100 3C   60  2D   90  3N   80  3D   90  HQ   50       
                              P    50  2S   80  3S   0   P    80           3N   60                
                                       P    20                             2N   0                 
                                                                           2S   0                 

Our Submitted 680 just missed the honor roll. 690 tied for 47-61. Procrastinator’s 760 would have tied for 5-6.