I posted the problem without my thoughts. There aren’t any system notes, AFAIK, but since partner is passed hand I expect 2D is non forcing. In that case, 3D seems automatic at imps. Matchpoints is much tougher, since hearts scores more per trick. But partner may express tolerance for hearts if he chooses to go on.
Why didn’t partner open 2D? Suit too weak? If so, that increases the chances that 2H by me is right now.
As noted, I may well change this answer before the deadline (Fri, Sept 20). Be sure to let me know if you think I should change it. Pass is looking more tempting at both forms of scoring.
Interesting. At imps, especially if vul, 4S would look right. But at matchpoints? We should want over 50% to bid game. Since partner did not respond 1H, there’s an excellent chance he has at least 5 spades. So 2S is too conservative. 4S is over 50% (on what we know now), but I doubt we would make 4S more than 50% of the time that partner would pass 3S. So leaning to 3S (over though 4S will make some of the time partner passes 3S).
Curious what the system notes would say for 2S, 3S, 4S, 3C and DBL. Assuming DBL would show 3 card support, while 3C is a cue bid and shows stronger support, while also giving us more room to flesh it out.
So my instinct was 3C. 2S is too weak so 3C gives us room.
I expect Dbl would show exactly 3 card support, 2S, 3S and 4S all show 4 (or even 4+) card support, cue bid would not promise support (perhaps a very strong diamond 1-suiter). I could be wrong.
ETA: if 3C includes support, I think it could be only 3 cards.