Boris Johnson, now ex-PM

Geez, that was short-lived. If Queen Elizabeth hadn’t died during her (presumably short) tenure as PM, I might not have heard of her.

Given her first week or so was overshadowed by the Queen’s death The Economist equated her time in office with the shelf life of a lettuce :laughing:


was gonna ask how the head of iceberg lettuce is doing

Ladbrokes is giving 10-11 odds that the head of lettuce will outlast Truss’ tenure as PM.

The Daily Star says “After three days, the lettuce is a little brown around the outer leaves. Meanwhile, Truss is starting to look like she’s ready for the bin right now”.

Wish our Canadian and US media had more of the humour of the British media in political matters.


The lettuce won.


Truss will have the distinction of being shortest serving PM.

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But she is also on a fairly short list of PMs who served under two different monarchs. (Stanley Baldwin served under three!)



Canada had a PM, William Lyon Mackenzie King, who also served under three kings. Interesting chap: only Canadian PM with a PhD and he attended seances.

Shortest Canadian PM tenure (three months) was a woman, Kim Campbell. Like Liz Truss, she won the Conservative Party leadership race after an unpopular leader stepped down. Unlike Liz, the voters ended Campbell’s tenure in a General Election. Unfortunately for the UK electorate, they don’t get a General Election for over two years.

LolZ Truss? Boy that went south fast.

I can’t help but see the similarities with her platform and the Commitment to America the Republicans are trotting out.

The three kings is probably pretty common for any Commonwealth PM during Edward VIII’s short reign. I bet most PMs on his first day as king were still PM on his last day.

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Liz ranked 4 Scaramucci on the time scale.


So, will the Conservatives install the head of lettuce in Liz’s place?



Following current trends, the next PM will be in office for approximately minus 200 days


Credit here


there won’t be a prime minister needed. The royal family will take over

Hang on, it’s clearly seasonal. The next one will be above the trend line and then we’ll get a negative


If they bring Boris back, will he get a second dot on the plot, or will his existing dot simply be moved?

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Harold Wilson & Winston Churchill were the two most recent to serve non-consecutively. It used to be more common. But the graph doesn’t go back that far, so :woman_shrugging:

Edited to add list of PMs.

I expect previous breaks in a PM’s tenure were because they lost in a General Election? Boris’ situation is different as his party rather than the voters removed him. If he returns as party leader he could end up getting rejected by both his party and the electorate!

Where is Lord Palmerston when you need him?

I still think Trudeau has far too many serious scandals for such high support among his party and voters. Maybe Boris just needed better hair or something…

But seriously, someone reassure me it’s not a partisan thing where Trudeau is a liberal so he gets a pass on his scandals.