Biden's vaccine employment requirement

So the ends justify the means?

Slippery slope, don’t you think?

No. I already said that I don’t like the government forcing the employer mandates.

But if it was struck down after everyone got the Covid vaccine then some good came out of it.

If I were sitting in the Oval Office I would not be doing this at all.

Do you care about a second term?

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Doesn’t matter… wouldn’t do.

I might add a carrot: additional stimulus money contingent upon being vaccinated prior to a certain date.

But not a mandate on the employer to mandate it for the employee.

Do you feel the same about voluntary small pox vaccines?

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This is one slope I’m ready to ski down.

I’m all for vaccine mandates with medical exceptions only.


Who, me? I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking, if your question is directed at me.

Are you asking me if I think the government should require private employers to require small pox vaccines for employees?

Yep same. None of that religious exemptions nonsense either.

Jesus wants YOU to get vaccinated.


You, actuary321 doesn’t matter. Either one.

Oh, OK. In that case…

If you want to be obtuse that’s fine

Ok, well I’ve re-read the post and I’m still not sure what you’re asking.

Small pox vaccines are usually required in order to attend public schools, which I think is fine. If the government is providing the education then I think it’s fine to put some reasonable stipulations on it.

I’ve never once had an employer even ask me if I was vaccinated against smallpox. Closest was that in order to get a teaching license OR job you have to have a negative tuberculosis test. Just one per job/license. Not every week. And it seems like overreach to require it for both the license AND the job. One or the other, but not both. And… I was a government employee. It wasn’t a case of the government telling a private business what to do. So I think that’s fine too.

And I think it’s even fine for the government to require contractors to be vaccinated.

Now if you’re talking about the Supreme Court decision that cities could fine individuals for not getting vaccinated… let’s just say I’m not the biggest fan of that decision.

If I haven’t hit on whatever you’re asking about with those guesses then I need the :2pac:

You might be talking about a different vaccine. Smallpox vaccine is not a shot, it’s a live (different but related) virus that leaves a scar. I imagine many people here have not gotten it and never will. My kids don’t need it to attend public school, as there isn’t a current outbreak of it.

Oh, if it’s not part of the regular childhood vaccination program then it probably isn’t required. My bad.

I thought smallpox was the one virus we had eliminated, so no longer require vaccination for.

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That’s not the way Rights work.

Doesn’t sound like mandatory smallpox vaccines were accepted that well in their time:

Reading that, it makes today’s vaccine/testing mandate look tame by comparison.

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Smallpox had a ~30% case fatality rate, so was around 120x more deadly than Covid (I think Covid is still tracking ~0.5%cfr)

Yes, smallpox is the one human virus that’s been eradicated, and there have been no cases of it in decades. So vaccination has been dropped.

It used to be a mandatory childhood vaccination.

It’s also the one from which we get the word “vaccine”. The smallpox vaccine is a related virus, cowpox, and its Latin name is vaccinia.