Bermuda/Cayman Islands

Anybody worked offshore? I remember there being some useful posts on AO about working there but can’t seem to find them now. Can anybody see them?

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Oh, crap, I shouldn’t have said he was a customer.

Oh, crap, I shouldn’t have said it was a secret.

Oh, crap! I certainly shouldn’t have said it was illegal!

  1. cost of living super high
  2. dating life sucks
  3. lots of bugs
  4. never see your family and friends ever again

I have been to Bermuda a bunch but never lived there.

It’s a small place. If you enjoy golf, tennis, sailing, or fishing, the warm weather months will give you lots of opportunities to do those things. It’s cool and rainy in the winter. There are way more male expats than female, which you should consider if you are single. Tax policy is very favorable for Canadians. If you are from the US do your research on how you would be affected by taxes. You won’t find much “night life”. It is extremely expensive, which may be offset by taxes and housing allowance but YMMV.

My first Bermuda trip will be next week if anyone else on here happens to be around. Already know scheduling is tight but might be able to squeeze in a drink at some point.

The bar at the Fairmont Hamilton Princess is one of the few places (other than spots in my area) I can walk into on a weeknight where I’m almost certain to know a few people. It’s a small world.

I’m sure we’ll be spending some time there ourselves.

Flew back Wednesday as scheduled, so just missed the Fiona fun. Didn’t end up too bad there I don’t believe.