Are you middle-class? (in the U.S.)

This part is why I took hubs income down to 1/3. I like to pretend that money never existed before it disappears.

I don’t know about where you live, but I get flyers left on my door quite often from people who want to take care of my yard for me. Some of my neighbors have people that come over weekly (or whatever period they pay them for).

I wish!!!

What do they call themselves? Gardeners? Yard maintenance?

All that seems to exist here is super crappy cleanup coupled with mulching, and taking care of the lawn.

But again, maybe I’m looking for the wrong thing in Google. We are in an upper-middle class neighborhood very close to an upper-upper class neighborhood, and I know those rich doctors and lawyers aren’t pulling their own weeds. But I have no idea how to figure out who the heck IS. I’ve thought about just loitering and then approaching any workers I see, but I don’t want people calling the cops on me. Though I suppose being a white woman it’s less of a problem for me.

I’d probably start looking for “lawn maintenance” and then ask them about additional services they offer. Even if whoever you talk to doesn’t do what you are wanting, they could probably point you in the right direction.

I’ve done that with no luck, particularly focusing on the ones that say “yard maintenance”… which appears to be identically equal to “lawn maintenance” from what I can tell.

That is le weird. Must be in the real subs. Usually landscaping companies offer weeding services (granted, a lot of the people looked undocumented, who may or may not be of supply in your area). I think it’s a couple hundred bucks for a comprehensive weeding (pulling weeds out, sprinkle whatever weeding agent over grass, and trim any overgrown plants that we want to keep).

For lawn mowing, it’s like $50 each time (we had front and back yard, but they’re not big).

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Oh, that is exactly what I want!!! Maybe I need to call all of the companies again. I’m not sure what undocumented-looking means, but if it means Hispanic-looking then that would be just hunky-dory. I don’t care what race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, sex, sexual preference, gender identity or presentation a person pulling my weeds is… so long as the weeds come out of the ground!

Wasn’t talking about race, but rather about the lower cost, and maybe why it’s so expensive in your area.

But also like, this is America, everyone has a yard. Boggles my mind that you can’t find weeding services super easily.

Lawn service
Yard maintenance

I don’t actually know the search terms, but there are tons of people who do that here. I don’t know if you can find someone who only weeds. Mostly they mow the lawn, put down chemicals, mulch, remove leaves in the fall, and remove snow in the winter.

My next door neighbor hired a woman who did weeding and pruning and planting, and didn’t do the other stuff. Alas, she’s retiring. I hired her to prune a couple of times and she is very good at it. But she called herself a “landscaper”.

Ok, I will get on it and post results.

Do any of your neighbors have lawn services? Might be more cost-efficient (and pass it along to you) for one of those services already in the neighborhood to do your weeding.
So, you see a truck outside a neighbor’s house: get the number off the side of the truck.

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My house is 2700 sq ft including a nice finished basement. The only regret with buying the house is the person before me had lots of trees and bushes and crap that i don’t really need. We’ve removed 1/3 of all the stuff because of the tree roots and the upkeep. I wanted a bit of lawn in case my kids would want to play outside, and they turned out Aspergers and stay in front of their computers and don’t spend a second outside, so my lawn is just a hassle I don’t need. Maybe when I retire I won’t mind during more work on it. It’s not like we have a ton of stuff outside, just more than the average house, and I’d prefer that I could just mow the lawn and that’s it but not so simple.

I’ve seen a lot of high school kids on the nextdoor app offering to pull weeds. There are a lot of jobs I wouldn’t trust them with, but pulling weeds is pretty straightforward.

They all only mow and don’t do weeding.

I had a garden lady for a while and practically the entire neighborhood did this with her (approached her while she was working in my yard), but then she suddenly stopped showing up or returning calls. For all of us. I think I owe her over $1,000 but she won’t contact me to give me an invoice.

I know she didn’t die as she’s in a Bible Study with a friend’s mother-in-law, but she stopped returning my texts. My last text to her was: “If you’ve decided to retire from gardening then I wish you well. Please let me know what I owe you so that we can settle up.”

Anyway the neighbors all seem just as frustrated as I am that no one will pull our weeds. We live in an area where illegal immigration is fairly low, so that’s probably hurting us. Let any workers into this country if they’re willing to pull my weeds!!!

I’ve responded to several Nextdoor ads and they usually don’t show up. Or they show up, spend 20 minutes looking around and say “I’ll contact you with an estimate” and then they ghost me.


Well here’s an idea, hire landscapers and create a new Wonderland for yourself, and then afterwards pay for maintenance, then they’ll weed for you for sure.
It’s time to splurge a bit.

The calculator in the op is not right. It adjusts your income based on the ratio of persons in your household to 3. But FPL isn’t ratioed the same way, so the Urban Institute methodology isn’t being applied correctly. 2021 FPL for 7 persons, for instance is 40,120, 3 persons 21,960. UI would have 7 person families leaving middle class at 200,600. This calculator has 7 persons leaving at 256,200.

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On my list is seeing if any will do this. I see none that advertise that they will.

You got some really weird landscapers in your area…

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