Are mean girls nicer to their husbands?

If we took a survey of all married mean girls, what would be the expected mean?

“Very mean.”
I mean, the survey is biased, away from the mean and toward the mean.
You know what I mean?

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Your argument doesn’t amount to a hill of means

Ever met a Karen named Karen? I have.

My mom’s name is Karen… :tfh:

Haha, there is a lot of scuttlebutt on the internet that she is a lady about town in her hometown. She apparently owned a gym with another guy. Allegedly her, that guy, and patrons of the gym often had orgies.

Is she a Karen? I bet not.

Depends if you’re talking to my wife

I’d say she wasn’t a Karen but has exhibited Karen tendencies over the last 10 years…

My sister is a Karen honestly. She is also a prude about affection. Her husband used to be a doormat. Now he travels for work quite often, ignores her crap, and rolls his eyes a lot. I suspect he is sleeping around on his travels.

same. My mom is becoming a bit Karen. Not in the call your manager way, but in her outdated thinking and thinking she knows best way.

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