Annoyed Thoughts

7.5 hours of meetings today…

I got a notification TODAY that they received all the documentation and have a target completion date of September 16. :neutral_face:



Update: Fruit fly population markedly decreased but not eliminated. The Zevo trap was the poorest performer, Terro (shaped like an apple with liquid bait inside) is the best, with apple cider vinegar a decent second.


We use this. Works pretty good.

Did you miss my statement above to say that was the poor performer? It only caught about a half dozen fruit flies.

Pretty sure those things catch random flies wandering around but do absolutely zero to attract them. It’s basically the same thing as fly paper, which is what we used to hang in the barns. Yeah, nasty strips of dead bugs hanging in the food prep area. Yes, we just got one, over my strenuous objections.

I did. I posted that before I saw other people’s responses and recommendations (including your lacklustre results).

We had some gnat-like bugs in out TV room at the beginning of the summer and the Zevo seemed to take care of them

Then lately, we had some fruit flies in the kitchen (not like you, but enough to be annoying) along with some regular flies that got in when people were going in and out tot he deck.

Put the Zevo in there and the next day, no bugs at all.

So, I guess with that, YMMV?

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One Terro trap has taken out 50+. If there are a bunch landed in one spot, spraying them with isopropyl alcohol prevents them from flying and can be squished. There are a couple of apple cider vinegar traps which collectively killed as many as the Terro trap.

For whatever reason, my wireless headphones always go crazy in the Southwest terminal at DCA.




Little bit annoyed. Weeks ago I made available three spots for students to come camping/fishing with me. One coming is from the original three that claimed a spot. The two remaining spots have cycled through 6 people in the last week. The last guy was committed, then ghosts me. At noon today he says sorry, can’t come. Since then I’ve had another person claim the spot then cancel, and another ask if it’s available but then no response. I’m leaving at 515am tomorrow morning. Food, everything based on four people.

Jeezus, this is how a bureaucracy with stupid rules starts. It’s seriously the most chaotic part of planning these trips.

The dog might end up coming.

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Free shit does that. Charge a nominal fee for commitment and then refuse the money when they show up. I sold a free mattress on FB marketplace for $5 last weekend. Gone in 2 hours to the first one who responded, no hassles.

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That’s my point about building a bureaucracy with rules.

I’m adamant about these trips being as open and welcoming as possible to everyone.

I did try asking for a deposit once on a large trip where the total cost was in the thousands, in the hopes that it would cut down on this. Lol, nope. Just more work as my spouse was now also processing deposits and refunds all over the place.

Doesn’t matter I guess. Tomorrow by 3pm I’ll be deep in the Canadian north with two students who are a lot of fun, plus my dog.


People are setting off fireworks already. :roll_eyes:

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“I don’t want yet another trip where we’re rushing all over, let’s do a trip where we’ve got time and can enjoy stuff.”

[Plans a weekend trip that isn’t rushed at all]

“We can’t possibly leave on Friday, I work until late, this has to be Saturday-Sunday and I have to be back by 7pm Sunday evening.”


On the hottest day of the year, we just lost power. Our grid covers 8 house and it always takes forever to fix.


I hope you get your power back PDQ!!

Hottest day of the year is when it’s most taxed. Also why the A/C breaks on the hottest day or the furnace on the coldest.

Hope it’s already back, but if not that it’s back post haste

:honeybee: Found a yellowjacket nest in the lawn today while mowing. :honeybee: