Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

Watching shows and they have within the plot a text exchange. Like my eyes can read from the viewing distance when they show it for 2 seconds. So i have to rewind, hit pause, and stand up to read the exchange. Maybe its a sign i need a bigger tv

I bet he’ll be annoyed with that typo.


I edited the typo and removed another post that quoted it.


Maybe it should be a bagger TV?

omg. thanks arthur. apologies to all.

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Based off your posting history I thought it was clear it was a typo and nothing malicious.

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It’s self-evaluation time. I’m supposed to evaluate myself for my performance for the last 11 months, as well as for another month into the future. Even though raises and bonuses won’t be known for another 4 months. So, that makes sense.

And then I remember, ah yes, self-evaluations are pointless, like a comment box that no one reads. I could be asked to evaluate my 2024 performance today and it would be given the exact same level of thought and credibility by leadership.

The only question is, why do I play along?

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Didn’t you tell us at one time that you get good reviews every year?

I do get good reviews, but I don’t believe my self-evaluations have anything to do with that. I could dump the Gettysburg address into my performance review and I wonder if anyone would even notice.

Mine was kind of the opposite at a previous job, my list of accomplishments were mostly copied and pasted off my self-eval. If I’d put down the Gettysburg Address maybe I would have received a bonus of 4 score and 7 thousand dollars…

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I hate self-evals. It’s like I’m doing my boss’ job.


I always just write “bad motherfucker” and submit.


OK, no I don’t.

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Needed an Advil at 6:30 a.m. and another one at noon.

Do It Just Do It GIFs | Tenor

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in consulting, i have a lot of “bosses”, so it would make sense for me to summarize what I’ve done over the year.

that said, i loathe writing these things, but don’t have to do it until at least next year.

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I always felt this way, and still do to some extent.

But I will say that one time the self-eval that one of my direct reports filled out was quite eye-opening. DR was grading their own performance much harsher than I would. Helped us get on the same page.

I think this person was kind of all-or-nothing: is their mind if their work wasn’t perfect then it surely must be terrible. But the truth was that it was pretty good with just a few minor areas for improvement.

Weird. I can be harsh with myself, but i’d never actually put that on paper in a self evaluation. That seems really stupid.

they wouldn’t notice if you were putting it into a scientific paper.