Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

Charmin rolls won’t fit in the toilet paper holder of my downstairs bathroom. Fluff that!!!

Depends on what size you buy. The super-duper-beyond-mega size won’t fit (whatever it’s called). But some of the smaller rolls do.

I think it’s “super-duper-ultra-mega”.

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While filling up the reservoir in the coffee maker this morning, there was a little beetle floating in the water. I pitched the water in the back yard and had to clean out the reservoir!! :confounded:

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I think our dehumidifier is on the fritz.

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I keep all my recipes in hardcopy, so i don’t have to muck with electronics when i have flour or olive oil all over my hands. If a recipe originated electronically, i print a hard copy and put it in my recipe binder.

It IS nice to be able to consult the electronic version in the store if that’s where you happen to be when you decide “I think we’ll have Italian Peasant Soup for dinner tonight” and then you get home and say “crumb, I forgot there was cilantro in this recipe, and I was JUST at the store.

Of course it doesn’t prevent the “I’ll serve this with macaroni & cheese” and you get home and realize you’re all out of macaroni. :woman_facepalming:

Yes, that’s why i have been making a grocery list since the pandemic.

Yes, good organizational skills eliminate half the need for a smart phone.

I don’t always bother to print the grocery list. It’s in a Google sheet.

Our grocery list is a hybrid of analog and digital. As we think of things, we write them on the chalkboard in the kitchen. Whenever someone goes to the store, we take a picture of it to take with us. (Or, if we are already out, someone snaps a pics and sends it.)

It’s really pretty much only for stuff we run out of, or will soon be. ATM, there is aluminum foil, cumin and almond milk on the list.

We are at the store probably 5-6 times a week, so shopping trips are usually small. Though I still go up each aisle (except pet supplies and bay aisles) every time I go to the store.

We used to keep a grocery list on the fridge. As it turns out, I cannot be trusted to remember to bring said list with me when I go shopping. And I’m doing the grocery shopping ~70% of the time.

So I’d annoy my wife by asking her to text me a pic, or she wouldn’t be home and I’d either have to go back to the house, or just wing it.

We put an Alexa thing in the kitchen and use that for the shopping list. Now it’s habit to ask her to add things to the shopping list, and said list is always with me on my phone.

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We don’t bother with a joint shopping list. I often keep a list of things on my phone as I think of them, and I just ask my wife if she needs anything when I go.

We have an Alexa gadget in our kitchen too so I suppose we could start using that.

We just have a shared Note on the iphone that either of us can add to as we need them, and I delete from when I stop at the store.

Are you using a specific app? We just started using Bring (I think that’s what it is called). I haven’t started talking to our speakers yet to add stuff (other than to test it to verify it works).

We use the Alexa app. Inside of it, we created three lists: shopping, Costco, and hardware store.

Yeah, I go to the hardware store enough that I need a list just for that.

Me too, but I also have an out of town list in case I am running to the store to grab stuff unrelated to normal shopping.

We use an app called Shopping List and sync it between our phones. We have separate lists for each store we need a list for. So we have 2 grocery stores and the local farm stand. We also do regular grocery shopping twice a week so we split that list into to separate ones.

That is the most useful reason I’ve heard for Alexa.