Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

I got nothing then. Good luck!

It’s kind of like, with identical twins, one is good and one is evil, I think.

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upstairs neighbor’s kid is apparently having a kid party with screaming, and stomping, and playing fur elise on the piano repeatedly. the stomping makes my entire apartment shake. getting super annoyed. when i play my piano, i almost always use headphones since this is an apartment building. others aren’t quite as considerate.

i think i’ll go for a walk…

Some isolated fireworks around my place. :roll_eyes:

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Have you tried using the PictureThis app?

I have not had occasion to use it, but i have heard good things.

Strained my back again.

May have to quit the quest for a 500lb deadlift. 4 1/2 plates will have to suffice…


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Had a conversation where I said "rolling up to my house w 20 people and yelling through a bullhorn “F— the Fraziers - you can move but we will always be able to find you” was a threat. Other guy (amid the yellers) said not a threat.

In the end it hangs on legal definition of threat (not imminent). But a real life challenge for a friend of mine. It is frustrating.


My bus was ten minutes late. If it had been on time, I wouldn’t be walking home in the rain right now.


I have lost all faith in humanity. Everyone is selfish, democrats, republicans, woke liberals, Trump supporters, everyone! and I don’t want to hear differently.

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People are the worst.


Yup, completely agree, unfortunately.

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yeah, the only people I hate as much as the republicans are the democrats


I want to reach through my monitor and do one of these to her…


…until she learns the proper use of nominative pronouns.

There are two types of people. Avoid them both.



Annoyed thought. I’m doing marketing type videos right now, and here’s what I get from my marketing person:
[Be enthusiastic and startled hold your hands up as in telling someone to wait:]WAIT!
[ say this with attitude]

We got over the first bump where our internet mentor suggested we test two version of the videos, one with me and one with our marketing person…because they’re a 20something female. I react poorly to that type of stuff. try having a professional conversation around ‘our marketing isn’t going to be sex based’, with said 20something female. They were fine with it, it’s just an awkward conversation.

:link: ??? :popcorn:

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Costco hasn’t had the canned dog food I buy in stock for quite awhile and no ETA for when it’ll be back. Apparently the materials to make the actual cans are in short supply. At least she mostly eats kibble.