Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

Sounds like you’re trying to catchup :baby:

Drilling in bed, there has got to be a double something …

And yes. TYVM!

take the bragging about sex to the brag thread please.

if you’re up due to insomnia, that belongs here.

I should be a mod.

You’d censor or ban yourself within 24 hours imo

:confused: since when do I brag about sex, like ever?

When I typed…

…auto complete suggested “There must be something wrong with you

[red]how many fights has the iPhone started?!?!&@)%**^#???[\read]

I feel for you. Developer guy across the street decided to use a giant jack-hammer attachment to his truck when he hit ledge where he wanted to pour a foundation. The police said the noise was legal so long as he didn’t start before 7am. That went on for weeks. I wore noise cancelling headphones to sit by myself at my laptop and it was still freaking loud.

10k-ish a year in health insurance premiums and a visit to CVS minute clinic plus antibiotics for a routine illness still cost me $75.

We’re doing it wrong. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Why the head shake?

When windows update decides to take over your computer without warning…

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Think I’m going to have to get some Flonase today. Things were better for a couple of days so I thought I’d be okay but nope. Stupid immune system making up shit.

Bedroom isn’t for watching TV.



Now you’re just asking for ao_fan to come after you

why not? i’m tired, but i want to watch snl. i wheel my tv on over from the livingroom portion of my studio apartment mansion to the alcove bedroom portion of my studio apartment mansion.


You have me imagining one of those old TVs on wheels from high school

Why not?

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BG is over here making full use of his kitchen


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