20 Questions - #36


Note that posters will sometimes pose a potential question that is not intended to be “one of the 20.”

Most often, they’ll “tag” it with “Unofficial” to be clear in this context. For some, I’m familiar enough with their posting style to infer (usually correctly :face_with_head_bandage:) which context is intended.

I’m not as familiar with you, so I’ll treat this as unofficial (unless you post otherwise).

I’ll make it official:

Is it euthanasia?

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I think that second clue was perhaps too specific too soon. (My final clue was “Kevorkian”.)

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I was down to the death penalty or euthanasia after your affirmative answer to my question of life or death.

Alas I cannot help you with your secret Hitler game wish as I’m unfamiliar with playing.

Sounds like you have the perfect corruption of that wish!

Are people tired of this game, or should I start a new one?

I prefer physical objects to “concepts”. But maybe a summer break would be good?


If someone chimes in that they want to play, I’ll start a new game.

I like these games, but also vote for object over concept. I would play again.

I also want a new choose your own adventure/text adventure game from @BruteForce (wrong thread, but I was already here)

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:+1: I’ll see what I can do. Give me a few weeks and I’ll put something together.

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Started a new game as a time filler before Secret Sith.

20Q - Game 37